Artículos en revista, libros y capítulos de libro


Afsar B., Silvennoinen J., Ruiz F., Ruiz A.B., Misitano G., Miettinen K. (2024) An experimental design for comparing interactive methods based on their desirable properties. Annals of Operations Research (online first).

Calvete, H.I., Galé, C., Iranzo, J.A. (2024) Balancing the cardinality of clusters with a distance constraint: a fast algorithm. Annals of Operations Research, 2024

Chergui, Z., Jiménez-Martín, A. (under review): On ordinal information-based weighting methods and comparison analyses, Information.

Couso, I., Sánchez, L. (2024) Stochastic dominance and statistical preference for random variables coupled by arbitrary copulas. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 166, 109113.

El Gibari, S.,Gómez, T., Cabello, J.M., Ruiz, F. (2024) Multi-criteria techniques based proposals for the End of Childhood Index: Reference levels and compensation issues. Children and Youth Services Review, 2024, 163, 107731.

Garcia-Bernabeu, A., Hilario-Caballero, A., Tardella, F., Pla-Santamaria, D. (2024). ESG integration in portfolio selection: A robust preference-based multicriteria approach. Operations Research Perspectives, 2024, 12, 100305.

Granda-Chico, B, Vitoriano B, Figueira, J.R. (submitted, second revision) A Mathematical Programming Approach for a Fire Suppression Problem. Operational Research- An International Journal. (preprint Docta Complutense
Kucharczak F., Couso I., Strauss, O., Mariano-Goulart D.(2024) Comparing Two Bootstrapped Regions in Images: The D-Test. IRBM 45 (1), 100821

Navarro, J., Aguarón, J., Moreno-Jiménez, J.M., Turón A. (2024). Social mood during the COVID-19 vaccination process in Spain. A sentiment analysis of tweets and social network leaders. Heliyon 10.

Ricciolini E., Rocchi L., Paolotti L., Gennari N., Ottaviani A., de la Rúa F.R., Boggia A. (2024) Sustainability of European agri-food supply chain using MRP-PCI multicriteria analysis method. Agricultural and Food Economics, 12(1), 11


Afsar B., Silvennoinen J., Misitano G., Ruiz F., Ruiz A.B., Miettinen K. (2023) Designing empirical experiments to compare interactive multiobjective optimization methods. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 74(11), 2327–2338.

Aguarón, J., Escobar, M.T., Moreno-Jiménez, J.M. (2023). Reducing Incompatibility in a Local AHP-Group Decision Making Context. Annals of Operations Research 326, 1–26.

Aragonés‐Beltrán, P., González‐Cruz, M. C., León‐Camargo, A., Viñoles‐Cebolla, R. (2023). Assessment of regional development needs according to criteria based on the Sustainable Development Goals in the Meta Region (Colombia). Sustainable Development, 31(2), 1101-1121.

Barrera, F., Segura, M., Maroto, C. (2023). Multicriteria sorting method based on global and local search for supplier segmentation. International Transaction in Operational Research 1-27.

Bilbao-Terol, A., Arenas-Parra, M., Quiroga-García, R., Bilbao-Terol, C. (2024). Is investing in the renewable energy stock market both financially and ESG efficient? A COVID-19 pandemic analysis, Review of Managerial Science, 18(7), 1885-1916.

Bilbao-Terol, A., Bilbao-Terol, C. (2024). The Choquet integral supported by a hedonic approach for modelling preferences in hotel selection, Omega-International Journal of Management Science, 122, 102971.

Bilbao-Terol, A., Cañal-Fernández, V., González-Pérez, C. (2023). Evaluating Energy Security using Choquet Integral: analysis in the southern E.U. countries, Annals of Operations Research 247(2), 549-580.

Bilbao-Terol, A., Arenas-Parra, M., Bilbao-Terol, C. (2023): Measuring the overall efficiency of SRI and conventional mutual funds by a diversification-consistent DEA model. International Transactions in Operational Research, 30(5), 2224-2256

Boggia A., Fagioli F.F., Paolotti L., Ruiz F., Cabello J.M., Rocchi L. (2023) Using accounting dataset for agricultural sustainability assessment through a multi-criteria approach: an Italian case study. International Transactions in Operational Research, 30(4), 2071–2093.

Calvete H.I., Galé C., Iranzo J.A., Toth P. (2023) The school bus routing problem with student choice: a bilevel approach and a simple and effective metaheuristic. International Transactions in Operational Research 30 (2), 1092-1119

Calvete, H.I., Galé, C., Iranzo, J.A. Mateo, P.M. (2023) A decision tool based on bilevel optimization for the allocation of water resources in a hierarchical system. International Transactions in Operational Research, 2023, 30(4), 1673–1702.

Caraballo M.A., Zapata A., Monroy L., Mármol A.M. (2023) Environmental Damage Reduction: When countries face conflicting objectives. In P. Cappanera et al. (eds.). Optimization and Decision Science: Operations Research, Inclusion and Equity. AIRO Springer Series 9, 27-35.

Casas-Rosal, J.C., Segura, M., Maroto, C. (2023). Food market segmentation based on consumer preferences using outranking multicriteria approaches. International Transaction in Operational Research 30, 1537-1566.

Corrente, S., Garcia-Bernabeu, A., Greco, S., Makkonen, T. (2023). Robust measurement of innovation performances in Europe with a hierarchy of interacting composite indicators, Economics of Innovation and New Technology 32 (2), 305-322.

Dambrine, M., Khan, A.A., Sama, M., Starkloff, H-J. (2023). Stochastic elliptic inverse problems. Solvability, convergence rates, discretization, and applications. Journal of Convex Analysis 30(4), 851–885.

Damian, I.M., Navarro-Jurado, E., Ruiz, F. (2023) Involving stakeholders in the evaluation of the sustainability of a tourist destination: a novel comprehensive approach. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2023, 31(7), 1631–1650.

de Castro-Pardo, M., Cabello, J.M., Martín, J.M., Ruiz, F. (2023) A multi reference point based index to assess and monitor European water policies from a sustainability approach. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 2023, 89, 101433.

Dippon, J., Gwinner, J., Khan, A.A., Sama, M. (2023). A new regularized stochastic approximation framework for stochastic inverse problems. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 73(103869), 1-29.

Escobar, M.T., Aguarón, J., Moreno-Jiménez, J.M., Turón, A. (2023). A Decision Support System for Improving the Inconsistency in AHP. International Journal of Decision Support System Technology 15(2), 1-16.

Fragua, A., Jiménez-Martín, A., Mateos, A. (2023), Complex Network Analysis Techniques for the Early Detection of the Outbreak of Pandemics transmitted through Air Traffic, Scientific Reports 13, 18174.

Giorgi, G., Jiménez, B., Novo, V. (2023). Dini and Hadamard directional derivatives in multiobjective optimization: An overview of some results. Decisions in Economics and Finance 46(2), 355-377.

Granda B, León J., Vitoriano B., Hearne J. (2023) Decision support models and methodologies for fire suppression. Fire 6 (2), 37.

Gómez-Limón, J.A., Granado-Díaz, R. (2023) Assessing the demand for hydrological drought insurance in irrigated agriculture. Agricultural Water Management, 276, 108054.

Gómez-Limón, J.A., Sánchez-Cañizares, S.M. (2023) Forecasting the dynamics of farm income: The case of the olive sector in Spain. New Medit, 2023(3), 3–22.

Gómez-Limón, J.A., Sánchez-Cañizares, S., Hidalgo-Fernández, A., Castillo-Canalejo, A.M. (2023) Profit and viability persistence: Evidence from the Spanish agricultural sector. Agribusiness, 39(4),  1300–1332.

González-Fernández, A.I., Rubio-Misas, M., Ruiz, F. (2023) Multi-objective reference point techniques to optimize profitability, growth, and risk in the non-life insurance industry: international analysis. International Transactions in Operational Research, 2023, 30(5), 2546–2570.

Granda-Chico, B., Vitoriano, B. (submitted) The Team Orienteering Problem with Variable Time Windows. International Transactions in Operational Research.

Gutiérrez, C. (2023). Further results on quasi efficient solutions in multiobjective optimization. Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis 7(5), 687-714.

Huerga, L., Jiménez, B., Novo, V. (2023). Optimality conditions for quasi proper solutions in multiobjective optimization with a polyhedral cone. In Functional Analysis and Continuous Optimization, J.M. Amigó, M.J. Cánovas, M.A. López-Cerdá and López-Pellicer, M. (eds.), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 424, Springer, 195-211.

Huerga, L., Miglierina, E., Molho, M., Novo, V. (2023). On proper minimality in set optimization. Optimization Letters.

Huerga, L., Novo, V. (2023). Editorial Special Issue on Recent Advances in Vector and Set Optimization (EURO 2021). Optimization 72(4), 905-907. 

Jorge-García, D., Estruch-Guitart, V., Aragonés-Beltrán, P. (2023). How does the type of MCDM method affect the results of the prioritization and assessment of ecosystem services? A case study in the Ebro River Delta (Spain). Journal of Cleaner Production 429, 139637.

Jorge-García, D., Estruch-Guitart, V., Aragonés-Beltrán, P. (2023). How geographical factors and decision-makers' perceptions influence the prioritization of ecosystem services: Analysis in the Spanish rice field areas in RAMSAR Mediterranean wetlands. Science of The Total Environment 869, 161823.

León, J., Vitoriano, B., Hearne, J. (2023): A risk averse solution for the prescribed burning problem. Safety Science 158, 105951.

(book) Giorgi, G., Jiménez, B., Novo, V. Basic Mathematical Programming Theory. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science (ISOR), vol. 344, Springer (2023). Hardcover ISBN 978-3-031-30323-4, Softcover ISBN 978-3-031-30326-5, eBook ISBN 978-3-031-30324-1.

Luque-Vílchez, M., Gómez-Limón, J.A., Guerrero-Baena, M.D., Rodríguez-Gutiérrez, P. (2023) Deconstructing corporate environmental, social, and governance performance: Heterogeneous stakeholder preferences in the food industry. Sustainable Development, 31(3), 1845–1860.

Marijuán, P. C., Simeonov, P.,  Navarro, J. (2023). The AI Betrayal of Social Emotions. Computer Sciences & Mathematics Forum 8(1), 69.

Martín-García, J., Gómez-Limón, J.A., Arriaza, M. (2023) Conventional versus organic olive farming: which has a better economic performance?. Agricultural and Food Economics, 11(1), 51.

Martín-García, J., Gómez-Limón, J.A., Arriaza, M. (2024) Conversion to organic farming: Does it change the economic and environmental performance of fruit farms? Ecological Economics, 220, 108178.

Moreno-Solaz, H., Artacho-Ramírez, M. Á., Aragonés-Beltrán, P., Cloquell-Ballester, V. A. (2023). Sustainable selection of waste collection trucks considering feasible future scenarios by applying the stratified best and worst method. Heliyon, 9(4).

Muerza, V., Gargallo, P., Salvador, M., Turón, A. (2024). Impact of Problem-Based Learning on the Perception, Understanding, and Application of Statistical Concepts in Business Administration and Management Students. Sustainability 16, 1591.

Muerza, V., Larrodé, E., Moreno-Jiménez, J.M., Royo, B. (2023). Multicriteria Evaluation of Technological Competitiveness in Diversification Processes. An application to the Automotive Components Industry. International Transactions in Operational Research 30(6), 3863-3885.

Muerza, V., Milenkovic, M., Larrodé, E., Bojovic, N. (2024). Selection of an international distribution center location: A comparison between stand-alone ANP and DEMATEL-ANP applications. Research in Transportation Business & Management 56, 101135.

Muerza, V., Urciuoli, L., Zapata-Habas, S. (2023). Enabling the circular economy of bio-supply chains employing integrated biomass logistics centers - A multi-stage approach integrating supply and production activities. Journal of Cleaner Production 384, 135628.

Navarro, J., Marijuán, P.C. (2023). Natural intelligence and the ‘economy’ of social emotions: a connection with AI sentiment analysis. Biosystems 233, 105039.

Navarro, J., Pina, J. U., Mas, F. M., &Lahoz-Beltra, R. (2023). Press media impact of the Cumbre Vieja volcano activity in the island of La Palma (Canary Islands): A machine learning and sentiment analysis of the news published during the volcanic eruption of 2021. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 91, 103694.

Oliván Blázquez, B., Aguilar-Latorre, A., Pérez Algorta, G., Serrano-Ripoll, M.J., Olszewski, L.E., Turón Lanuza, A. (2023). One-year follow-up of the effectiveness of a lifestyle modification programme as an adjuvant treatment of depression in primary care: a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Affective Disorders 332, 231-237.

Peregrina, M.I., Ruiz, F., El Gibari, S. (2023) The evolution of eco-innovation and its impact on the political, social, and environmental spheres in the period 1996-2022: state of the art and bibliometric study | La evolución de la ecoinnovación y su impacto en los ámbitos político, social y ambiental en el período 1996-2022: estado del arte y estudio bibliométrico. DYNA (Colombia), 2023, 90(228), 140–151.

Polonio, D., Villanueva, A.J., Gómez-Limón, J.A. (2024) Profitability of olive mill pomace composting as a bioeconomy alternative | Rentabilidad del compostaje del alperujo como una alternativa bioeconómica. ITEA Informacion Tecnica Economica Agraria, 120(2), 79–199.

Reig-Mullor, J., Garcia-Bernabeu, A., Pla-Santamaria, D., Salas-Molina, F.(2024) Measuring quality of life in Europe: A new fuzzy multicriteria approach. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2024, 206, 123494.

Salas-Molina, F., Pla-Santamaria, D., Vercher-Ferrandiz, M.L., Garcia-Bernabeu, A. (2023) Geometric compromise programming: application in portfolio selection. International Transactions in Operational Research, 2023, 30(5), 2571–2594.

Salas-Molina, F., Pla-Santamaria, D., Vercher-Ferrandiz, M.L., Garcia-Bernabeu, A. (2023) New decision rules under strict uncertainty and a general distance-based approach. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(6), 13257–13275.

Salas-Molina, F., Reig-Mullor, J., Pla-Santamaria, D., Garcia-Bernabeu, A. (2023) A multidimensional approach to rank fuzzy numbers based on the concept of magnitude. Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2023, 20(6), 137–153.

Salas-Molina, F., Reig-Mullor, J., Pla-Santamaria, D., Garcia-Bernabeu, A. (2024) On the Conditions for Total Orderings in Lexicographic Methods to Rank Fuzzy Numbers. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2024, 26(5), 1417–1427.

Salas-Molina, F., Bistaffa, F., Rodríguez-Aguilar, J. A. (2023). A general approach for computing a consensus in group decision making that integrates multiple ethical principles. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 89, 101694.

Salas-Molina, F., Rodríguez-Aguilar, J. A., Guillen, M. (2023). A multidimensional review of the cash management problem. Financial Innovation 9(1), 67.

Sánchez, L., Costa, N., Couso, I. (2023) Simplified models of remaining useful life based on stochastic orderings. Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2023, 237, 109321.

Sánchez, L., Costa, N., Otero, J., Anseán, D., Couso, I. (2023) Learning remaining useful life with incomplete health information: A case study on battery deterioration assessment. Array, 20, 100321.

Sánchez, L., Costa, N., Otero, J., Couso, I. (2023) Physics-informed learning under epistemic uncertainty with an application to system health modeling. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2023, 161, 108988.

Schulze-González, E., Pastor-Ferrando, J. P., Aragonés-Beltrán, P. (2023). Clustering and reference value for assessing influence in analytic network process without pairwise comparison matrices: Study of 17 real cases. Operations Research Perspectives 10, 100275.

Turón, A., Altuzarra, A., Moreno-Jiménez, J.M., Navarro, J. (2023). Evolution of social mood in Spain throughout the COVID-19 vaccination process. A machine learning approach to tweets analysis. Public Health 215, 83-90.

Vargas, L.GL., Moreno-Loscertales, C., Moreno-Jiménez, J.M. (2023): Conflict resolution in the era of cognitive multicriteria decision making: an AHP-retributive approach. International Transactions in Operational Research 30(3), 1453-1478.

Villanueva, A.J., Gómez-Limón, J.A. (2023) Heterogeneity in the WTA-WTP disparity for irrigation water reliability. Water Resources and Economics, 42, 100219.

Zapata A., Mármol A.M., Monroy L., Caraballo M.A. (2023). Altruistic preferences in global emission games. Central European Journal of Operations Research 32, 843–864.

Zapata A., Mármol A.M., Monroy L. (2023). Berge equilibria and the equilibria of the altruistic game. TOP 32, 83–105.

Zapata A., Monroy L., Mármol A.M. (2023) Utilitarian and Rawlsian preferences in vector bimatrix games. International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making (forthcoming).


Afsar, B., Silvennionen, J., Misitano, G., Ruiz, F., Ruiz, A.B., Miettinen, K., (2022). Designing Empirical Experiments to Compare Interactive Multiobjective Optimization Methods. Journal of the Operational Research Society, DOI: 10.1080/01605682.2022.2141145

Aguarón, J., Escobar, M-T., Moreno-Jiménez, J.M., Turón, A. (2021). Geometric Compatibility Indexes in a Local AHP-Group Decision Making Context: A Framework for Reducing Incompatibility. Mathematics 10, 278.

Altuzarra, A., Gargallo, P., Moreno-Jiménez, J.M., Salvador, M. (2022). Identification of Homogeneous Groups of Actors in a Local AHP-Multiactor Context with a High Number of Decision-Makers: A Bayesian Stochastic Search. Mathematics 10, 519.

Arias, J., Khan, A., Rodríguez-Uría, J., Sama, M. (2022). Analysis of smart thermostat thermal models for residential building. Applied Mathematical Modelling 110, 241-261. 

Bao, T.Q., Gutiérrez, C. (2022). Ekeland variational principles for vector equilibrium problems, Optimization, DOI: 10.1080/02331934.2022.2094264.

Bao, T.Q., Gutiérrez, C., Novo, V.; Ródenas-Pedregosa, J.L. (2022). Exact and approximate vector Ekeland variational principles. Optimization 71(15), 4497-4527.

Barrera, F., Segura, M., Maroto, C. (2022). Sustainable Technology Supplier Selection in the Banking Sector. Mathematics, 10, 1919.

Boggia, A., Fagioli, F.F., Paolotti, L., Ruiz, F., Cabello, J.M., Rocchi, L., (2022). Using accounting dataset for agricultural sustainability assessment through a multi-criteria approach: an Italian case study. International Transactions in Operational Research 30, 2071-2093.

Bravo, M., Jones, D., Pla-Santamaria, D., Salas-Molina, F. (2022). Encompassing statistically unquantifiable randomness in goal programming: an application to portfolio selection. Operational Research 22(5), 5685-5706.

Escobar, M.T., Aguarón, J., Moreno-Jiménez, J.M., Turón, A. (2022). A Decision Support System for Improving the Inconsistency in AHP. International Journal of Decision Support System Technology 15 (2), DOI: 10.4018/IJDSST.315644

Dambrine, M., Khan, A.A., Sama M. (2022). Stochastic regularized second-order iterative scheme for optimal control and inverse problems in stochastic partial differential equations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 380, 20210352. DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2021.0352.

Damian, I.M., Navarro, E., Ruiz, F. (2022). Stakeholders' Perception of the Sustainability of a Tourism Destination: A Methodological Framework to find out Relationships and Similarity of Opinions. Tourism Review 77(2), 515-531.

de Castro-Pardo, M., Cabello, J.M., Martín, J.M., Ruiz, F., (2022). A multi Reference Point based Index to Assess and Monitor European Water Policies from a Sustainability Approach. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 101433.
DOI: 10.1016/j.seps.2022.101433

El Gibari, S., Gómez, T., Ruiz, F. (2022). Combining Reference Point based Composite Indicators with Data Envelopment Analysis: Application to the Assessment of Universities, Scientometrics 127, 4363-4395.

García-Bernabéu, A., Cabello, J.M., Ruiz, F. (2022). A Reference Point‑Based Proposal to Build Regional Quality of Life Composite Indicators. Social Indicators Research 164, 11-30.

González-Fernández, A.I., Rubio-Misas, M., Ruiz, F. (2022). Multi-objective Reference point Techniques to Optimize Profitability, Growth, and Risk in the non-life Insurance industry: International Analysis. International Transactions in Operational Research, DOI: 10.1111/itor.13155.

Gutiérrez, C., López, R., Martínez, J. (2022). Generalized epsilon-quasi solutions of set optimization problems. Journal of Global Optimization 82(3), 559-576.

Huerga, L., Jiménez, B., Novo, V. (2022). New notions of proper efficiency in set optimization with the set criterion. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 195(3), 878-902.

Huerga, L., Jiménez, B., Novo, V., Vílchez, A. (2022). Continuity of a scalarization in vector optimization with variable ordering structures and application to convergence of minimal solutions. Optimization 72(4), 957-978.

Hung, N.V., Novo, V., Tam, V.M. (2022). Error bound analysis for vector equilibrium problems with partial order provided by a polyhedral cone. Journal of Global Optimization 82(1), 139-159.

Jadamba, B., Khan, A.A., Raciti, F., Sama, M. (2022). A variational inequality based stochastic approximation for estimating the flexural rigidity in random fourth-order models. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 111, art. 106406. DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2022.106406.

Jiménez-Martín, A. (2022), Editorial. Special issue "Recent Advances and Applications in Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis", Mathematics 10(13), 2343. 

Khan, A.A., Sama, M. (2022). Error estimates for halfspace regularization of state constrained multiobjective elliptic control problems. Optimization 72 (4), 1009-1036.

Lo-Iacono-Ferreira, V. G., Garcia-Bernabeu, A., Hilario-Caballero, A., Torregrosa-López, J. (2022). Measuring urban sustainability performance through composite indicators for Spanish cities. Journal of Cleaner Production 359, 131982.

López, R., Sama, M. (2022). A study of multivalued variational inequalities via horizon maps and graphical convergence. Optimization 72 (4), 909-936.

Molinos-Senante, M., Delgado-Antequera, Gómez, T. (2022). Measuring the quality of service of water companies: A two-stage goal programming synthetic index proposal. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 101140.

Martos-Barrachina, F, Delgado-Antequera, L, Hernández, M, Caballero, R. (2022). An extensive search algorithm to find feasible healthy menus for humans. Operational Research: An International Journal 22, 5231-5267.

Pérez León, V. E., Guerrero, Flor Mª, Caballero, R. (2022). Tourism competitiveness measurement. A perspective from Central America and Caribbean destinations. Tourism Review 77(6), 1401-1417. 

Ricciolini, E., Rocchi, L., Cardinali, M., Paolotti, L. Ruiz, F., Cabello, J.M., Boggia, A., (2022). Assessing Progress Towards SDGs Implementation Using Multiple Reference Point Based Multicriteria Methods: The Case Study of the European Countries. Social Indicators Research 162, 1233-1260.

Reig-Mullor, J., Garcia-Bernabeu, A., Pla-Santamaria, D., Vercher-Ferrandiz, M. (2022). Evaluating ESG corporate performance using a new neutrosophic AHP-TOPSIS based approach. Technological and Economic Development of Economy  28(5), 1242–1266.

Reig-Mullor, J., Salas-Molina, F., Vercher-Ferrandiz, M. (2022). Sustainability performance assessment with intuitionistic fuzzy composite metrics and its application to the motor industry. Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 19(4), 57-72.

Reig-Mullor, J., Salas-Molina, F. (2022). Non-linear Neutrosophic Numbers and Its Application to Multiple Criteria Performance Assessment. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 24(6), 2889-2904.

Salas‐Molina, F., Pla‐Santamaria, D., Vercher‐Ferrandiz, M. L., Garcia‐Bernabeu, A. (2022). Geometric compromise programming: application in portfolio selection. International Transactions in Operational Research.

Salas-Molina, F., Rodríguez-Aguilar, J. A., Guillen, M. (2023). A multidimensional review of the cash management problem. Financial Innovation 9(1), 67.

Vargas, L.G., Moreno-Loscertales, C., Moreno-Jiménez, J.M. (2022). Conflict resolution in the era of cognitive multicriteria decision making: an AHP-retributive approach. International Transactions in Operational Research 30(3),  1453-1478.


Afsar, B., Miettinen, K., Ruiz, F. (2021). Assessing the Performance of Interactive Multiobjective Optimization Methods: A Survey. ACM Computing Surveys 54(4), 85.

Cabello, J.M., Navarro, E., Thiel, D., Rodríguez, B., Ruiz, F. (2021). Assessing environmental sustainability by the double reference point methodology: the case of the provinces of Andalusia (Spain). International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 28, 4–17.

Cabello, J.M., Ruiz, F., Pérez-Gladish, B. (2021). An Alternative Aggregation Process for Composite Indexes: An Application to the Heritage Foundation Economic Freedom Index. Social Indicators Research 153, 443–467.

Damian, I.M., Navarro, E., Ruiz, F. (2021). Involving stakeholders in the evaluation of the sustainability of a tourist destination: a novel comprehensive approach. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Ahead-Of-Print, 1-20.

Delgado-Antequera, L., Gémar, G., Molinos-Senante, M., Gómez, T., Caballero, R., Sala-Garrido, R. (2021). Eco-efficieny assessment of municipal solid waste services: Influence of exogenous variables. Waste Management 130, 136-146.

El Gibari, S., Cabello, J.M., Gómez, T., Ruiz, F. (2021). Composite indicators as decision making tools: the joint use of compensatory and non-compensatory schemes. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 20(3), 847–879.

El Gibari, S., Perez-Esparrells, C., Gomez, T., Ruiz, F. (2021). Analyzing the Impact of Spanish University Funding Policies on the Evolution of Their Performance: A Multi-Criteria Approach. Mathematics 9, 1626.

Fornasiero, R.; Marchiori, I.; Pessot, E.; Zangiacomi, A.; Sardesai, S.; Barros, A. C.; Thanous, E.; Weerdmeester, R.; Muerza, V. (2021). Paths to Innovation in Supply Chains: The Landscape of Future Research. In Fornasiero, R., Sardesai, S., Barros, A. C., Matopoulos, A. (Ed.), Next Generation Supply Chains. A Roadmap for Research and Innovation, 169-233. Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-63505-3_8.

García-Bernabéu, A., Cabello, J.M., Ruiz, F. (2021). A Reference Point‑Based Proposal to Build Regional Quality of Life Composite Indicators. Social Indicators Research,

González, I. , Mateos, A. (2021): A Multi-Objetive Bayesian Approach with Dynamic Optimization (MOBADO). A Hybrid of Decision Theory and Machine Learning Applied to Customs Fraud Control in Spain, Mathematics 9 (13), 1529.

Guijarro, E.; Santandreu Mascarell, C.; Blasco-Gallego, B.; Canós Darós, L.; Babiloni, E. (2021). On the Identification of the Key Factors for a Successful Use of Twitter as a Medium from a Social Marketing Perspective. Sustainability (13), 6696, 1-15.

Gutiérrez, C., Huerga, L., Köbis, E., Tammer, C. (2021). A scalarization scheme for binary relations with applications to set-valued and robust optimization. Journal of Global Optimization 79, 233-256.

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Huerga, L., Jiménez, B., Novo, V., Vílchez, A. (2021). Six set scalarizations based on the oriented distance: continuity, convexity and application to convex set optimization. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 93 (2), 413-436

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Turón, A., Aguarón, J., Escobar, M.T., Moreno-Jiménez, J.M. (2021). A Decision Support System and Visualisation Tools for AHP-GDM. In I. Management Association (Ed.), Research Anthology on Decision Support Systems and Decision Management in Healthcare, Business, and Engineering, 703-722. IGI Global. ISBN: 9781799890232. 

Urrutia-Zambrana, A.; Tirado, G.; Mateos, A. (2021): Variable Neighborhood Search to Solve the Generalized Orienteering Problem, International Transactions in Operational Research 28 (1), 142-167.

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Yepes, V.; Moreno-Jiménez, J.M. (2021): Optimization for Decision Making II. Ed. MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, 302 páginas. ISBN 978-3-03943-221-9. DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-03943-608-8.


Bao, T.Q., Huerga, L., Jiménez, B., Novo, V. (2020). Necessary conditions for nondominated solutions in vector optimization. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 186 (3), 826-842.

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Jadamba, B., Khan, A.A., Richards, M., Sama, M. (2020). A convex inversion framework for identifying parameters in saddle point problems with applications to inverse incompressible elasticity. Inverse Problems 36 (7), 074003, 25 pp.

Jadamba, B., Khan, A.A., Sama, M., Tammer, C. (2020). Contingent derivatives of the set-valued solution map of a noncoercive saddle point problem. A cross-fertilization between variational analysis and inverse problems. Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis 4 (1), 127-134.

Jiménez, B., Novo, V., Vílchez, A. (2020). Characterization of set relations through extensions of the oriented distance. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 91 (1), 89-115.

Jiménez, B., Novo, V., Vílchez, A. (2020). Six set scalarizations based on the oriented distance: properties and application to set optimization. Optimization 69 (3), 437-470.

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Jiménez-Martín, A., Tello, F., Mateos, A. (2020): A Variation of the ATC Work Shift Scheduling Problem to Deal with Incidents at Airport Control Centers, Mathematics 8 (3), 321-348.

Jiménez-Martín, A., Tello, F., Mateos, A. (2020): The ATCo Work Shift Scheduling Problem dealing with incidents in a tactical phase, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies ISBN 978-1-7281-5953-9/20, IEEE Xplore, 2020, pp. 285-290.

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León, J., Puerto, J., Vitoriano, B. (2020): A risk-aversion approach for the Multiobjective Stochastic Programming problem. Mathematics 8, 2026.

Linden, I.; Turón, A.; Dargam, F.; Jayawickrama, U. (Eds) (2020): Cognitive Decision Support Systems & Technologies. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Decision Support System Technology – ICDSST 2020. ISBN: 978-84-18321-00-9.

Moreno-Jiménez J.M., Aguarón J., Escobar M.T., Salvador M. (2020): Group Decision Support Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process. In: D.M. Kilgour, C. Eden (eds) Handbook of Group Decision and Negotiation, 51. Springer Major Reference Work, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-12051-1_51-1. Online ISBN 978-3-030-12051-1.

Moreno-Jiménez, J.M.; Linden, I.; Dargam, F.; Jayawickrama U. (2020): Decision Support Systems X: Cognitive Decision Support Systems and Technologies. Guest Editor Springer Book Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP), 384. 6th International Conference on Decision Support System Technology, ICDSST 2020, Zaragoza, Spain, ISBN 978-3-030-46224-6 (ebook), ISBN 978-3-030-46223-9 (soft cover).

Monzón, J., Liberatore, F., Vitoriano, B. (2020): A Mathematical Pre-Disaster Model with Uncertainty and Multiple Criteria for Facility Location and Network Fortification. Mathematics 8 (4), 529.

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Ruiz, F., El Gibari, S., Cabello, J.M., Gómez, T. (2020). MRP-WSCI: Multiple Reference Point based Weak and Strong Composite Indicators. OMEGA: The International Journal of Management Science 95, 102060.

Sanau, J.; Gómez-Bahillo, C.; Moreno-Jiménez, J.M. (2020): The Economic Valuation of Social Aspects: A Multicriteria Approach based on Input-Output Models. Journal of Multi-criteria Decision Analysis 27 (1-2), 84-95.

Santamaría, R.; Aguarón, J.; Moreno-Jiménez, J.M. (2020): A Multicriteria Approach Based on AHP and Compromise Programming in Portfolio Selection. Journal of Multi-criteria Decision Analysis 27 (1-2), 141-146.

Segura, M., Maroto, C., Segura, B., Ginestar, C. (2020). Developing decision support systems for optimising livestock diets in farms. Chapter 11 (ID: 9781786767349) In: Armstrong, L. (Ed). Improving data management and decision support systems in agriculture. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing.

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Urrutia-Zambrana, A., Tirado, G., Mateos, A. (2020): Variable Neighborhood Search to solve the Generalized Orienteering Problem, International Transactions in Operational Research,

Yepes, V.; Moreno-Jiménez, J.M. (2020): Optimization for Decision Making. Ed. MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, 290 páginas. ISBN 978-3-03943-220-2 (Hbk); ISBN 978-3-03943-221-9 (PDF). DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-03943-221-9.


Aguarón, J.; Escobar, M.T.; Moreno-Jiménez, J.M.; Turón, A. (2019): AHP-Group Decision Making based on Consistency. Mathematics 7(3), 242.

Altuzarrra, A.; Gargallo, P.; Moreno-Jiménez, J.M.; Salvador, M. (2019): Homogeneous Groups of Actors in an AHP-Local Decision Making Context: A Bayesian Analysis. Mathematics 7(3), 294.

Clason, C., Khan, A., Sama, M., Tammer, C. (2019). Contingent derivatives and regularization for noncoercive inverse problems. Optimization 68 (7), 1337-1364.

Freitas, P.; Dargam, F.; Moreno-Jiménez, J.M. (2019): Decision Support Systems IX: Main Developments & Future Trends. Guest Editor Springer Book Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP), 348. 5th Intern. Conference on Decision Support System Technology, EmC-ICDSST 2019, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, May 27–29, 2019. ISBN 978-3-030-18819-1.

Freitas, P.; Dargam, F.; Ribeiro, R.; MMoreno-Jiménez, J.M., Papathanasiou, J. (Eds) (2019): EmC-ICDSST 2019 5thInternational Conference on Decision Support System Technology –ICDSST 2019& EURO Mini Conference 2019 on “Decision Support Systems: Main Developments & Future Trends”. University of Madeira, Portugal, 27th-29th May 2019. ISBN: 978-989-8805-44-7

Gutiérrez, C. (2019). Ekeland variational principles for vector equilibrium problems with solid ordering cones. Journal of Applied and Numerical Optimization 31 (1), 253-265.

Gutiérrez, C. (2019). Optimality conditions for weak solutions of vector optimization problems through quasi interiors and improvement sets. Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 20 (12), 2507-2523.

Gutiérrez, C., Huerga, L., Novo, V., Sama, M. (2019). Limit behavior of approximate proper solutions in vector optimization. SIAM Journal on Optimization 29 (4), 2677-2696.

Hai, L.P., Huerga, L., Khan, P.Q., Novo, V. (2019). Variants of the Ekeland variational principle for approximate proper solutions of vector equilibrium problems. Journal of Global Optimization 74 (2), 361-382.

Hao. D. N., Khan, A. A., Sama, M., Tammer, C. (2019). Inverse problems in variational inequalities by minimizing energy. Pure and Applied Functional Analysis 4 (2), 247-269.

Huerga, L., Jadamba, B., Sama, M. (2019). An extension of the Kaliszewski cone to non-polyhedral pointed cones in infinite-dimensional spaces. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 181 (2), 437-455.

Huerga, L., Khan, A., Sama, M. (2019). A Henig conical regularization approach for circumventing the Slater conundrum in linearly l_+^p-constrained least squares problems. Journal of Applied and Numerical Optimization 1 (2), 117-129.

Jadamba, B., Khan, A.A., López, R., Sama, M. (2019). Conical regularization for multi-objective optimization problems. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 68 (2), 2056-2075.

Jadamba, B., Khan, A., Sama, M. (2019). Stable conical regularization by constructible dilating cones with an application to Lp-constrained optimization problems. Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 23 (4), 1001-1023.

Khan, A.A., Migorski, S., Sama, M. (2019). Inverse problems for multi-valued quasi variational inequalities and noncoercive variational inequalities with noisy data. Optimization 68 (10), 1897-1931.

Lozano-Oyola, M., Blancas, F.J., González, M. y Caballero, R. (2019). Sustainable tourism tags to reward destination management. Journal of Environmental Management 250,

Miranda, J.C.; Turón, A. (Eds.) (2019): Turismo, Movilidad y Desarrollo Sostenible. Coordinador del monográfico número 1 de la revista Anales Iberoamericanos de Economía Aplicada.

Molinos-Senante, M., Gómez, T., Gémar, G., Caballero, R., Sala-Garrido, R., Mocholí-Arce, M. (2019). Measuring the wastewater treatment plants productivity change: Comparison of the Luenberger and Luenberger-Hicks-Moorsteen Productivity Indicators. Journal of Cleaner Production 229, 75-83

Moreno-Jiménez, J.M.; Aguarón, J.; Escobar, M.T.; Salvador, M. (2019): Group Decision Support using the Analytic Hierarchy Process. En Marc Kilgour and Eden Colin (eds.) Handbook of Group Decision and Negotiation, chapter 44. Springer, ISBN 978-90-481-9096-6, e-ISBN 978-90-481-9097-3. DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-9097-3.

Moreno-Loscertales, J.M.; Moreno-Jiménez, J.M.; Turón, A. (2019): Incorporación de aspectos intangibles en el análisis de la viabilidad del transporte urbano de Zaragoza. Estudios de Economía Aplicada 37(1), 80-104.

Pérez, F., Delgado-Antequera, L., Gómez, T., (2019). A Two-Phase Method to Assess the Sustainability of Water Companies. Energies  12(13), 2638. DOI: 10.3390/en12132638

Segura, M., Maroto, C., Segura, B. (2019): Quantifying the Sustainability of Products and Suppliers in Food Distribution Companies. Sustainability, 11, 5875; doi:10.3390/su11215875

Tello, F., Jiménez-Martín, A., Mateos, A., Lozano, P. (2019): A Comparative Analysis of Simulated Annealing and Variable Neighborhood Search in the ATCo Work-Shift Scheduling Problem, Mathematics 7 (7), 636-654.

Turón, A.; Aguarón, J.; Escobar, M.T.; Moreno-Jiménez, J.M. (2019): A Decision Support System and some Visualisation Tools for AHP-GDM. International Journal Decision Support System Technology 11(1), 1-19. DOI: 10.4018/IJDSST.2019010101.
Vicente, E., Mateos, A., Jiménez-Martín, A. (2018): A Betting and Lottery-based Method for Fuzzy Probability Elicitation, International Journal of Uncertainty and Knowledge-Based System 27 (1), 121-144.

Yepes, V.; Moreno-Jiménez, J.M. (2019): Optimization for Decision Making. Guest Editor Special Issue Mathematics (ISSN 2227-7390)


Borrero, D., Hinojosa, M.A., Mármol, A.M. (2018): A random arrival rule for division problems with multiple references, International Transactions in Operational Research, 25 (3), 963-982.

Guijarro, E.; Santandreu Mascarell, C.; Canós Darós, L. Díez Somavilla, R.,  Babiloni, E. (2018). Técnicas multicriterio aplicadas a las redes sociales en el sector público: el uso de Twitter por distintos perfiles de fuerzas y cuerpos de seguridad. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social 73, 1412-1427.

Gutiérrez, C., Huerga, L., Jiménez, B., Novo, V. (2018). Approximate solutions of vector optimization problems via improvement sets in real linear spaces. J. Global Optim. 70 (4), 875-901.

Gutiérrez, C., Huerga, L., Novo, V. (2018). Nonlinear scalarization in multiobjective optimization with a polyhedral ordering cone. Int. Trans. Oper. Res. 25 (3), 763-779

Gutiérrez, C., Novo, Ródenas-Pedregosa, J.L. (2018). A note on existence of weak efficient solutions for vector equilibrium problems. Optim. Lett. 12 (3), 615-623.

Gwinner, J., Jadamba, B., Khan, A.A., Sama, M. (2018). Identification in variational and quasi-variational inequalities. J. Convex Anal. 25 (2), 545-569.

Hinojosa, M.A., Mármol, A. M., Lozano, S. (2018): DEA production games with fuzzy output prices, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 17, 401-419.

Jadamba, B., Khan, A.A., Kahler, R., Sama, M. (2018). Elliptic inverse problems of identifying nonlinear parameters. Pure Appli. Funct. Anal. 3 (2), 309-326.

Martín, M., Jiménez-Martín, A., Mateos, A. (2018). Possibilistic Reward Methods for the Multi-Armed Bandit Problem, Neurocomputing 310, 201-212.

Martinetti, D., Montes, S., Díaz, S., De Baets, B. (2018): On a correspondence between probabilistic and fuzzy choice functions, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 17, 247-264.

Monroy, L., Caraballo, M.A., Mármol A.M. (2018). Duopolistic competition with multiple scenarios and different attitudes towards uncertainty, International Transactions in Operational Research, 25 (3), 941-961.

Moreno-Jiménez, J.M.; Montero, J.M. (2018): Future Challenges in Applied Economics. Coordinador del monográfico correspondiente al XXV Aniversario de la revista Estudios de Economía Aplicada (ISSN 1133-3197). Estudios de Economía Aplicada 36-1.

Moreno-Jiménez, J.M.; Vargas, L.G. (2018): Cognitive Multicriteria Decision Making and the Legacy of the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Estudios de Economía Aplicada 36(1), 67-79.

Muerza, V.; Larrodé, E.; Moreno-Jiménez, J.M.; Jiménez, A. (2018): Modelling the problem of parcel distribution in urban environments and analysis of determining factors. Transportation Research Procedia 33, 347-354. DOI: 10.1016/j.trpro.2018.10.112

Tello, T., Mateos, A., Jiménez-Martín, A., Suárez, A. (2018). The air traffic controller work shift scheduling problem in Spain: A metaheuristic and regular expression-based approach, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2018, Article ID 4719178, 15 pages. doi:10.1155/2018/4719178.

Zapata, A., Caraballo, M.A., Monroy, L., Mármol, A.M. (2018). Hurwicz's criterion and the equilibria of duopoly models. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 1-16.


Aguarón, J.; Escobar, M.T.; Moreno-Jiménez, J.M., Turón, A. (2017): A DSS for constructing the Precise Consistency Consensus Matrix in AHP-Group Decision Making. In “Data, Information and Knowledge Visualization in Decision Making” (Eds. Linden, I., Mareschal, B., Liu, S., Papathanasiou, J., Colot, C.), 53-59. Proceedings of the 3rd ICDSST 2017. ISBN:978-2-917490-28-0.

Alcantud, J. C. R., Díaz, S. (2017): Rational fuzzy and sequential fuzzy choice, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 315, 76-98.

Arango, R.B., Campos, A.M., Combarro, E.F., Canas, E.R., Díaz, I. (2017): Identification of Agricultural Management Zones Through Clustering Algorithms with Thermal and Multispectral Satellite Imagery, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowlege-Based Systems, 25, 121-140.

Arner Güerre, A. (2017): Evaluación de las políticas de gestión de aceites usados: la responsabilidad ampliada del productor, en Annals of Applied Economics ASEPELT, vol. XXXI, 347-360. ISBN: 978-84-15581-72-7.

Bentkowska, U., Díaz, S., Drewniak, J., Janiš, V., Montes, S. (2017): Properties of extremal families of MN-convex (MN-concave) functions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 325, 47-57.

Berti, P., Miranda, E., Rigo, P. (2017): Basic ideas underlying conglomerability and disintegrability, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 88/C, 387-400.

Bustince, H..Montes, S., Ojeda-Aciego, M. (2017): Fuzzy Mathematical Models for Computer Science and Decision Making, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzzyness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 25, 1-3.

Díaz, S., Induráin, E., Janiš, V., Llinares, J.V., Montes, S. (2017): Generalized convexities related to aggregation operators of fuzzy sets, Kybernetika, 53 (3), 383-393.

González-Caballero, E., Díaz, S., Espín, R., Montes, S. (2017): New measures of similarity based on fuzzy implications, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 33 (6), 3493-3503.

Gutiérrez, C., Huerga, L., Novo, V., Thibault, L. (2017). Sequential epsilon-subdifferential calculus for scalar and vector mappings. Set-Valued Var. Anal. 25 (2), 383-403.

Gutiérrez, C., Kassay, G., Novo, V., Ródenas-Pedregosa, J.L. (2017). Ekeland variational principles in vector equilibrium problems. SIAM J. Optim. 27 (4), 2405-2425.

Hinojosa, M.A., Lozano, S., Borrero, D., Mármol, A. M. (2017): Ranking efficient DMUs using cooperative game theory, Expert systems with applications, 80, 273 - 283.

Jadamba, B., Khan, A.A., Sama, M. (2017). Error estimates for integral constraint regularization of state-constrained elliptic control problems. Comput. Optim. Appl. 67 (1), 39–71.

Kobza, V., Janis, V., Montes, S. (2017): Divergence measures on hesitant fuzzy sets, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 33 (3), 1589-1601.

Kobza, V., Janis, V., Montes, S. (2017): Generalizated local divergence measures, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 33 (1), 337-350.

Limón-Romero, J.; Luz-Tortorella, G.; Puente, C.; Moreno-Jiménez, J.M.; Maciel-Monteón, M. (2017): An Alternative to Multi-response Optimization Using a Bayesian Approach. En J.L. García-Alcaraz, G. Aloz-Hernández,  A.A. Maldonado-Macías, C. Sánchez- Ramírez, New Perspectives on Applied Industrial Tools and Techniques, Management and Industrial Engineering, Cap. 6, 111-128. Springer International Publishing AG 2018. ISBN 978-3-319-56870-6.

López, R., Sama, M. (2017). Stability and sensitivity analysis for conical regularization of linearly constrained least-squares problems in Hilbert spaces. J. Math. Anal.Appl. 456 (1), 476-495.

Mármol, A.M., Monroy, L., Caraballo, M.A., Zapata, A. (2017): Equilibria with vector-valued utilities and preference information. The analysis of a mixed duopoly, Theory and Decision, 83 (3), 365 - 383.

Martinetti, D., Montes, S., Díaz, S., De Baets, B. (2017): On the correspondence between reciprocal relations and strongly complete fuzzy relations, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 322 (1), 19-34.

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